
Mouthwatering food, dreamy landscapes and eye popping views

Our company's focus is on active holidays. There is so much choice nowadays that it can be difficult to decide where to go. That's why we are here. Experienced travel agents as well as experienced travellers, we know where the greatest spots on earth are. But it comes down to individual choices. Some people love a one month backpack trip in Chile, while others might fullfil that dream of a wine and bike tour in Tuscany, Italy.

There is truly something from anyone, and you really don't always have to be a tough, experienced adventurer. Read some of our award winning, Governor General of Canada and Mayor of Ottawa decorated blogger from Ottawa Hans on the Bike's vacation trips stories he has made over the years, in places such as Amsterdam, Lyon or Sicily. While many of his trips are in Europe, you'll notice that Ottawa in Canada (our base) is actually pretty good too.

Check out Hans' travels here on his own website and get into the travel mood.